Friday, June 4, 2010

Layette-Fashion Friday

Layette is a new word I have learned since being pregnant.  Not many of my friends have been pregnant, so I haven't been exposed to all the baby terms until now.  A Layette is a collection of clothing for a newborn child. The term "layette set" is commonly used in the United States to refer to gift sets of baby clothes. Traditionally, women would hand-sew their baby's clothes during their pregnancy. Today "layette" is often used to identify a baby clothing section of a store (according to Wikipedia).

I'm finding that the boutique baby stores often refer to their higher end/heirloom quality baby attire as Layette. 

Pixie Lily is a brand of Layette, and it is actually a Charleston company.  You can find Piexie Lily at Baby Bloomers, Charleston Child, and on the web.
Pixie Lily also is on Facebook and has a mailing list.  My cousin, Erica, found out that Pixie Lily now does 50% off Fridays. Although it can still be pricey, Layette is rarely on sale in stores, so if you're interested in Layette, this might be the deal for you on this Fashion Friday!

I'm sure there are tons of Layette brands (another is Kissy Kissy).  What is your favorite one?

1 comment:

I'maNolaGirl said...

I LOVE Kissy Kissy! That's my go to line for new baby gifts!