Monday, September 12, 2011

12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days....Happy Birthday Tillman!

Dear Tillman,
You're a 1 year old today!  Happy Birthday, buddy!  I can't believe you've grown so fast.  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing home a 5 lb 13 oz health baby boy.  To be honest, we really didn't know what we were doing. Of course, we'd seen a baby before, but none that were ours 24/7.  You were your daddy's first diaper change, and you were a whole lot of first for us in other areas as well.  Most of all, on 9.12.10, you made your dad and I proud parents for the first time! 
You'll come to find the mommy worries a lot (but it's because I want the best for you....don't worry--daddy balances me out, he's cool as a'll see), and who knew that it (the worrying that is) could be taken to a whole other level with Tiny T in our lives.  We want only best for you and have tried to provide the best possible first year. Daddy and I have watched and cheered with excitment every move, gesture, development, etc you've made/done, and we are so proud of you.
Tillman, you've accomplished a ton in a year: lifting your head, rolling over, stitting, standing, army crawl, crawling, walking, learning a few words, gained your unique personality and eating from "mommy milk" to solid soft foods and regular milk. (I'm sure I'm leaving out a bunch of milestones, but it happened so fast!)
This love that your daddy and I have for you is one that we've never felt before you were born.  I can remember hearing your cry for the first time.  It was such a relief to know that you were healthy and brought into the world safely. Daddy was one "proud papa" when he held you for the first time. The love and pride we have for you has grown over the past year. 
Your birth date is a bit symbolic, as it is the day after 9.11.  This was a horrible day for our country back in 2001, but September 12 meant that everything will be ok, the sun did rise, and bright futures were ahead.  You're actually turning one years old the day after the 10th anniversery of 9.11.  You are our sunshine, the light to our bright future as a family, and a great source of happiness! 
Tillman Alexander, know that you are loved by many and bring joy to our hearts.
Momma and Daddy

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Oh Meredith, this is so sweet! I haven't visited your blog in a while, I must get back into the habit. Lots of love!