Wednesday, November 21, 2012

3 months 11.20.12

Strolling in Waterfront Park
Month 3 comes with lots of transition- mommy went back to work after 12 weeks and Caroline's in daycare.  We did have a busy month while I was still at home. Caroline took her first road trip and hotel stay to Greenville to watch Nick ride in his first bike race. By Caroline being a baby, we got front row parking (being and having a baby has its advantages!). We also got to introduce Caroline to her maternal extended family, and she also got to meet Nick's sister's family too!  She attended her first wedding-Papaw got married on Seabrook Island on Nov 3rd. Caroline also "got to vote" for the first time.  Oh, and Nick wouldn't want me to forget that she attended her first PURDUE event this month too!

Waiting in the two hour line to VOTE
For us, as parents, I think a second child has taught us we just have to go and do...we have to try at least.  Caroline has been an "on the go baby."  We used to avoid going place, out to eat, etc. because we had a child that might cry or act out.  The more we go and do, we've found that we can manage them pretty well, we have to take one out or just leave!
She love to "hang" in the car seat
Caroline likes to be on the go.  It seems when we are out, the more she tends to sleep.  She enjoys stroller rides and is getting used to the car more and enjoying it too.  She is a very content child, as the daycare says she only cries if she is wet, hungry or tired.  Now, I know I get fussy over a lot more than that, so Caroline sure is content. She shows her happiness through smiling, cooing (I think she will be a chatter box), and little giggles.
Laughing, Smiling, Giggling...
One thing I really enjoy about Caroline is that she likes to cuddle! She would rather be held than put down any day.  She is pretty spoiled because if she is put down and you walk away, she know and will let you know she doesn't approve.  She loves for someone to be in her face entertaining her at all times.   Caroline will watch you do a task, but you better be moving a lot and not stay in one place or she gets a little fussy.  She must think if I'm standing in one place for a long time, then I should be holding her!
Daddy and Caroline with their
 "I voted" stickers
We have been working on establishing a routine.  For the most part, we have one.  She wakes in the 5 or 6 o'clock hour.  She breastfeeds and goes back to sleep.  This is when the whole house gets ready.  Often I change her and feed her, and then slip her into the carseat, so she is ready to go when we leave the house around 7. Her daycare routine isn't established, but she cat naps throughout the day and generally eats every four hours.  I generally pick both kiddos up around 5.  She is generally content until 6, and then she is fed.  She naps in the 7 o'clock hour.  8-9:30 or 10, she is feeding until she falls asleep.  I've found if she goes to bed before 9:30, she wake up early.  With going back to work, I'm all about keeping her asleep until the alarm goes off at 5AM in our house!
She is receiving formula, since she is such a hungry girl and mommy just can't keep up. I'm sad a little bit that I'm not making enough mommy milk, but we are hanging in there. I'm glad that she is still getting mommy milk as much as possible. Bottle-feeding has caused her to drink a lot more, but on the weekends we don't have to supplement.
I'm not ready to go to sleep look
Caroline is wearing 0-3 month clothes and even some 3-6 month clothing.  She is 13lbs!  Her hair is growing like crazy and is CURLY!  I just love her curls.  When we wash it, it has the tight curls all over her head.  Tillman loves to point to Caroline and say "pur-dy" (pretty!).  Caroline is also sporting big girl hair bows!
I have just LOVED having a little girl.  I catch myself just staring at her.  She has been a true blessing to our family.  I'm unsure if she will be our last kiddo, but I'm treating it as if she is!

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