Monday, July 8, 2013

10 months 6.20.13

Gardening buddies
Sweet Caroline is WALKING!  She can walk, swat down to pick up things, and even multitask while walking. She has caught on quick.  In her mind she still wants to go a lot faster than she is currently able, so we have had some spills.  She has conquered going up steps crawling, but going down is still a challenge.  She gets herself in quit the "pickle" when she navigates down steps.
She began walking while I was in the bath. I had to take a double take and then I got out the camera to capture the moment. She took it real slow, but it look like she had been doing it for a while once she got going. It is amazing to watch it for the first time. She was concentrating hard on getting her feet going while maintaining balance.
Sandy Caroline
She is also on full table food now.  She also enjoys sand at the beach!  She can feed herself a good bit, but we are a little mess.  Good thing for Graham. He is the clean up crew.  Graham and Caroline are buddies.  I think if Graham had to pick who his favorite was, it would be Caroline (behind Nick of course). He really doesn't mind her. Will go right up to her face and smell.  He will let her step on him, tug and pull too.  It is really fun to see, as we just really didn't think it was possible for him to like kids.

I want Puffs!
Caroline now has 7 teeth. Hard to believe.  She had 3 come in on the top all at one time. She ran a fever while those were coming in and was a little fussy. That is a lot of teeth at once. She still has one tooth that is still coming in on the bottom. I hope she gets a break for a little while before more teeth. So far there are 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. When feeding her, I've tried to stick things in to force her to bite them. She is getting the hang of it, but still swallows a lot of things whole. She also still grits her teeth. The noise is awful! I don't think she has figured out what she is to use those teeth for yet, but I'm sure she will get the hang of the soon.  It certainly isn't slowing her down from trying all kinds of food.  This little one is a great eater!

Beach Baby
She has a few words she likes to say: Bye Bye (with the motions),Uh Oh, Yay, Ummm, MaMa, DaDa.  She is known as the classroom greeter. She welcomes everyone in the morning and tells everyone bye bye in the afternoons.  She is very social. She loves to be right at the door. When Tillman and I drop her off in the mornings, she has started to cry a little or grabs to my clothes and won't let go. She just cries for a little and then she is on her way. Tillman usually gives her a hug and then we go to his room for drop off. 
Running to the water
Caroline also loves to clap. When she gets really excited she will clap away. She'll do it while watching Tillman play, while dancing, in the car while listening to music. She is a pretty happy baby, so we have lots of clapping.
Playing in the sand
10 month stats:
Diaper: size 2 but moving into size 3
Shoes: not yet a 1, but needing shoes soon
Weight: 20 lbs with all her clothes on
Sleeping-through the night in her crib. Usually goes down about 8:30
Things to start working on: sippy cups
Eating: Table food, 5 bottles a day, and mommy milk before bed and when waking (good quality time)
Naps: Not much of a napper if she is going to sleep at night. At daycare she does great, but at home, it is normally in the AM or during car rides
Clothing: 6-9 months
Teeth: 4 upper teeth in with the right incisor coming first. Bottom is two middle with one coming in on the left.

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