Wednesday, August 8, 2012

35 Week Ultrasound & Appointment

Well Miss Caroline wasn't have any part of having her photo taken when we went for the ultrasound.  We didn't event get a glimpse of her face.  She had her face barred in the placenta the whole time.  We did find that she is a healthy little girl, and that she is roughly in the 37th percentile and at 35.5 weeks she weighs 5 lbs 9 ozs. Also found out that what I've been feeling for the past few weeks was for sure HICCUPS!
I also had an appointment following the ultrasound with Dr. Villers. Nick was at this appointment, so we talked a little about the birth and that we are on track to do the VBAC. I was also tested for Strep-B, and that came back negative. She also checked my cervix (not fun). At that point, I was completely effaced and not dilated.  This was good news as we had our upcoming beach trip the next weekend.

Below is the data from the Ultrasound and my comment in italics.

Stated EDC: EDC: 08/28/2012
GA by stated EDC: 35w2d
Current Scan on: 07/26/2012 EDC: 09/02/2012 (I guess she is a little behind her due date)
GA by current scan: 34w4d
Best Overall Assessment: 07/26/2012 EDC: 08/28/2012 Assessed GA: 35w2d
The calculation of the gestational age by current scan was based on BPD, HC, AC
and FL.
The Best Overall Assessment is based on the stated EDC.
General Evaluation:
Fetal heart activity: Present. Fetal heart rate: 174 bpm.(the physician thought this was high, so when she re-scanned it was down to the 140's)
Presentation: Cephalic.
Fetal movement: visible.
Amniotic Fluid: Normal with AFI. AFI 11.7 cm. Maximal vertical pocket 4.8 cm. #
Placenta: Anterior. Placenta Grade: Grade 1. (placenta in front-can't feel as much movement as most mom's.)
Anatomy Scan:
Singleton gestation.
BPD 83.0 mm 9th% 33w3d (32w2d to 34w3d) (Hadlock) (This is the measurement of a line drawn from ear to ear, through the brain.)
HC 317.7 mm 27th% 35w5d (32w5d to 38w5d) (Hadlock)
AC 317.3 mm 66th% 35w5d (34w5d to 36w5d) (Hadlock) (abdominal circumference. This is the measurement where the ring went around the fetal belly, like where a belt would go)
FL 64.8 mm 7th% 33w3d (30w3d to 36w3d) (Hadlock) (This is the length of the thigh bone from the knee joint to the hip joint-7th percentile-going to have short legs!)
OFD 113.0 mm 50th% 35w2d (Nicolaides)
TCD 47.4 mm >95th% (Nicolaides) (a test that measures the velocity of blood flow through the brain's blood vessels)
EFW (lbs/oz) 5 lbs 9 ozs (Hadlock (BPD-HC-AC-FL))
EFW (g) 2528 g 37th% (estimated fetal weight)

Fetal Anatomy:
Head: Normal cranium.
Brain: Normal lateral ventricles and choroid plexus. Cerebellum suboptimal.
Heart: 4 chamber view normal.
Gastrointestinal Tract: Stomach visible.
Bladder: Visible.
Genitalia: Normal Female.
Fetal Wellbeing Assessment:
Amniotic fluid: Normal with AFI. AFI: 11.7 cm. MVP: 4.8 cm. Q1: 4.8 cm. Q2: 1.2
cm. Q3: 1.6 cm. Q4: 4.1 cm.
Biophysical Profile: Fetal body movements: normal (2), Fetal tone: normal (2),
Fetal breathing movements: normal (2), Amniotic fluid volume: normal (2). Score 8
/ 8.
A repeat ultrasound of this single intrauterine pregnancy was performed secondary
to S>D. The anatomic survey was abbreviated today but reported as normal on
previous exam. The amniotic fluid volume was normal. Appropriate interval
growth was noted. The EFW was 5lbs 9ozs, placing the fetus at the 37th

Incidential BPP is 8/8.


Christopher Robinson, MD, MSCR
Maternal Fetal Medicine.

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