Tuesday, June 15, 2010

26 weeker = viable baby

Excuse the hair-HOT and HUMMID in Charleston!

As many of you know I work at MUSC Children's Hospital.  I am not "clinical" and do not pretend to know much about all the clinical stuff!  However, I am surrounded by people everyday that work with preemies, high-risk moms (pregnancies), children who are sick, and so on.  This is an awesome thing.  I ask lots of questions and absorb advice from the best!
Yesterday, after everyone got in a belly rub (I'm getting used to that...not too bad as long as I like you.).  A group a nurses asked how far along was I.  I said "26 weeks tomorrow!"  One of the nurses said a great thing "we got a viable baby!"  That is such a nice thing to hear.  If something were to happen, I know the NICU at MUSC Children's Hospital takes care of little ones at Tillman's size everyday!  (Don't get me wrong, if Tillman were to be born, it would be a long way to recovery, and he would likely spend months in the NICU.)

Of course, I asked this smart group of nurses about my belly growth.  They all made me feel much better.  One of the nurses said she didn't start wearing maternity clothes until she was at 28 weeks.  Let me tell you; I couldn't fit into my pants after week 16!

On the other hand, I've had comments in the elevator at work like "how far along are you?"  (24 weeks)  "Gosh, you're small!"  Elevator opens, they get out; and leaves me there to wonder...am I???
Another recent comment about my size came from another nurse.  "When do you find out what you are having?"  Oh, we're having a boy.  "When did you find out these days?  Around 20 weeks...we found out back in April.   Then I get this look...like what?  She didn't say anything, but I knew what she was thinking!

Here's what babycenter.com says about Tillman at 26 weeks:
"The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days."


TeeTee Lynn said...

Yay for 26 weeks! That was a relief for me also. And as far as people saying you are small...I dealt with that during the entire pregnancy, and we now have a perfectly healthy almost 9 lb baby. :) Tillman will be fine! Hope you are feeling good.

Kegan said...

Meredith do not worry about your size. I was small with Logan and I am now small with Lance. Everyone shows and carry a baby different. As long as you and the doctor know you are healthy that is all that matters. Take care and keep up the good work. Have you started swelling in your feet yet due to the heat. I have!!!! FUN!!!

Julie said...

You look great-- even with the humidity! Hope sweet Tillman finds interest in our lunch conversation next week since he can hear voices now. ha!

Meredith said...

Thanks ya'll for your comments. I go to the doctor on Thursday, and she is going to check out the belly growth then. I think after that, I'll have more confidence about being smaller.