Tuesday, March 16, 2010

9 Week Ultrasound

Thanks for stopping by Mrs. Pregnant in the Lowcountry Blog. This post gets more traffic than any other...how are you coming to this post? Please leave a comment when you stop by!
At 9 weeks, they still perform an internal (transvaginal) ultrasound.  I wasn't prepared for this, but the baby isn't big enough at that point to see it when doing an ultrasound on top of the belly (I think she said it was about two centimeters long).  Dr. Villers did the ultrasound, and we actually found out by the measurement of the baby's length that we were 9.3 weeks along.  I'm told, the measurements of the baby are pretty accurate when estimating the gestational age.  Also, we saw the baby's heart beat, and it was beating around 160 bpm.

Immediately, my husband, Nick, whipped out his Blackberry to start counting back the weeks to see when this all started (such a guy thing), while Dr. Villers whipped out this date wheel to see when we would be due. 

Nick's date was December 15, 2009.

Dr. Villers' due date was September 21, 2010.


Anonymous said...
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Katie (greenalligatybug@gmail.com) said...

I commented but I'm not sure where it went.

If you are still curious about the traffic, I found this post when I googled images for 9wk ultrasounds.

(I'm going next week for my first OB appointment and I will be 9 weeks)

Meredith said...

Thanks Katie for your comment. Wish you well during your pregnancy!