Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Trimester Screening

Everything went really well at the first trimester screening Friday, and everything looks normal. We'll have the full results when my bloodwork comes back in about a week. The ultrasound tech at MUSC Prenatal Wellness Center, Juli, was AWESOME!

Our little one had its legs crossed the whole time (very proper just like its mom!!), so we don't know what it is yet! Juli tried everything to try to get it to move, but he/she was comfortable where it was! Juli asked me if I ate Turkey before the appointment because the baby was not budging from its position.  She said I should eat something with sugar or drink a soda or juice before my next ultrasound to get our little one moving!  Nick quickly said "oh, she will have no problem with that!"  He is right; I don't need an excuse to eat sugar. 
Although we weren't able to tell what the sex of our baby was at our appointment, I am told and know of people who have found out the sex of the baby at their frist trimester screening when going to the Prenatal Wellness Center (PWC).  The PWC has a "super-duper" ultrasound machine that can see more than the normal office ones.  After comparing my 12 week ultrasound pictures to others at 12 weeks, I feel I can see a lot more!

We also Flip videoed my ultrasound.  Here is a "flip clip!"

1 comment:

Jennifer H. said...

So the baby was keeping things a secret….our Ultrasound tech told us in her experience boys like to “show off” and girls are more modest, but you never know. It took almost 45 min. to get a clear view of our little girl and I drank juice (my tech said caffine can cause some babies to get sleepy and that juice worked better) and ate crackers before I went.